574.294.1499 contact@shnaizhi.com

BET9九州登陆官方是一家多元化的BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所,专注于多个实践领域.  Whatever the case may be we have an attorney that will be best suited to give you advice and help you make the best legal choice possible.




对卓越法律代理的承诺是BET9九州登陆官方业务实践的标志. BET9九州登陆官方有能力, 经验 and resources to successfully counsel clients in an extensive variety of transactional and situational legal matters. 本所的BET9九卅娱乐会员登录曾就具有国内甚至国际影响的复杂交易进行过谈判. 而BET9九州登陆官方的核心业务是中小型企业, BET9九州登陆官方也有一个长期和完成的历史服务公司与地点遍布北美. 公司规模很小,可以对个人问题作出回应, 但足够大,可以处理任何业务需求.


BET9九州登陆官方的家庭和孩子给BET9九州登陆官方带来生活中最大的快乐和最亲密的关系. 当你决定收养一个家庭成员的时候, 桑德斯•皮亚诺斯基BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所的BET9九卅娱乐会员登录有这方面的经验, 资源和知识来指导你完成整个过程,并促进你的家庭的完成. BET9九州登陆官方准备在印第安纳州和密歇根州领养孩子, 多年来,BET9九州登陆官方已经成功地协助了大量的请愿程序, 包括继父母和祖父母收养, 还有私人收养.



桑德斯Pianowski, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所拥有成熟且非常成功的上诉业务, 该公司被广泛认为是密歇根州最优秀的上诉BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所之一. 桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基的BET9九卅娱乐会员登录, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所在许多州和联邦法院成功地处理了数十起案件的上诉, 包括美国第七巡回上诉法院, 印第安纳州最高法院和上诉法院. BET9九州登陆官方的上诉BET9九卅娱乐会员登录代表客户处理民事法律各个领域的上诉, 包括人身伤害, 产品责任, 保险范围问题, 合同和商业纠纷以及无数其他复杂问题.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所定期代表贷款债权人, 贸易债权人, 企业, 以及庭外重组的其他主要利益相关方, 第七章, 11, 13起破产案件, 商业诉讼, 以及其他信用违约. 执业组的BET9九卅娱乐会员登录在代理有担保债权人和无担保债权人方面经验丰富, 委员会, 股权持有人, 投资者和收购者. The scope of our practice includes mainly counties in Northern Indiana Federal and State courts; however, we have regularly represented clients in the Southern District of Indiana Federal courts as well as venues throughout the country either directly or through our trusted network of local counsel. We also have several Michigan licensed attorneys 谁 can assist with Michigan litigation matters since we are located in a border region.

Our attorneys take a hands-on approach and consult closely with clients to determine their business objectives. 在确保所有相关信息之后, we work with the client to develop business and strategic planning alternatives to optimize the client’s opportunities. BET9九州登陆官方与许多当地的融资和资本来源保持着良好的关系, and our wide-ranging 经验 with business development in our community enables our clients to achieve the maximum potential for success.

通过有效利用BET9九卅娱乐会员登录助理, 支持人员和知识渊博的专业人员, 本公司能够提供最有能力和最具成本效益的个人代表, 受托人和继承人. The attorneys and paraprofessionals in the estate planning team work closely with our clients to insure that their objectives are fully realized. We use all available means to minimize the client’s federal estate tax and state inheritance tax liabilities and to affect the transfer of wealth to the appropriate beneficiaries with minimal delay and complication.


迈克·皮亚诺夫斯基在遗产规划方面建立了坚实的专业声誉, and his leadership has enhanced the ability of the attorneys in the estate planning group to assist clients in realizing their goals of family and business succession. 采用多学科的方法和最新的法律技术, our attorneys work hard to make sure that our clients satisfy their objectives of wealth transfer in the most efficient and productive manner, 同时最大限度地减少纳税义务,为客户的受益人保留资产. 在公司存在期间, we have focused on assisting individuals to make the appropriate choices necessary to meet the financial and security needs of their families.


BET9九州登陆官方就婚姻法的各个方面向家庭提供咨询, 包括婚前协议, 解散(离婚), 合法分居, 房产部门, 子女监护权和探视权, 配偶的维护, 亲子鉴定, 以及相关领域. 在Sanders•PianowskiBET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所,重点是为法律问题寻找创造性的解决方案, 这种强调在家庭法领域尤其相关. Our reputation lies in our ability to bring parties together to resolve disputes without unnecessary legal intervention. This is achieved through a proactive approach to our clients’ needs by seeking to protect their families from needless and potentially destructive adversarial proceedings. 然而, 当诉讼不可避免时, BET9九州登陆官方的客户很欣赏本所积极和顽强的辩护声誉.


When it becomes necessary for families to consider the appointment of a guardian for the protection of the person or assets of a minor or incapacitated adult, BET9九州登陆官方BET9九卅娱乐会员登录随时准备提供及时, 高效率及具成本效益的服务. 桑德斯·皮亚诺斯基BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所的BET9九卅娱乐会员登录, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所熟悉印第安纳州和密歇根州有关监护的法律, and we have extensive 经验 in shepherding guardians through the legal rules and procedures required to comply with the law. BET9九州登陆官方与家庭成员密切合作,确保资产得到确认, 按照法定规定予以保存和报告, BET9九州登陆官方与银行合作, 必要的会计师和金融机构为受保护人提供最大的利益.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所致力于帮助个人, families and 企业 throughout 埃尔克哈特县 and the surrounding counties with a broad range of immigration solutions.  BET9九州登陆官方BET9九州登陆官方的可访问性和响应性感到自豪 because we understand how complex and stressful the immigration process can be.  BET9九州登陆官方理解家庭团聚的重要性, of attracting and retaining a skilled workforce and of complying with I-9 recordkeeping and immigration compliance matters.


这家公司在保险业务方面有着深厚的根基. 该公司的创始成员之一Philip E. 拜伦,小.他被广泛认为是印第安纳州北部首屈一指的保险辩护BET9九卅娱乐会员登录. 鲍勃·桑德斯延续了这一传统, 谁在保险辩护领域工作了超过35年,不久前才退休, 并与公司其他继续从事保险辩护事务的BET9九卅娱乐会员登录合作.


在劳动法的各个阶段代表雇主方面,本所有着悠久而杰出的历史.  特别是, attorneys of the firm have successfully represented clients in wrongful discharge cases in court and before labor arbitrators, 国家劳资关系委员会审理的不公平劳动行为和选举案件, 以及州和联邦法院和机构的就业歧视案件. The labor and employment attorneys of the firm have represented clients in administrative agencies for a wide array of claims, 包括申请失业救济金, 社会保障诉讼以及公平劳动标准法下的工资和工时索赔.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所 has forged a reputation as a major a force in trial and litigation practice throughout Northern Indiana and Michigan for decades.  Matt Yeakey heads the attorneys of the firm 谁 have tried cases to juries and judges in State and Federal courts throughout the area. 在Sanders•PianowskiBET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所,重点是为法律问题寻找创造性的解决方案. Our reputation lies in our ability to bring parties together to resolve disputes without unnecessary legal intervention. This is achieved through a proactive approach to our clients’ needs by seeking to protect them from potential exposure by thoughtful strategic planning. 然而, 当诉讼不可避免时, BET9九州登陆官方的客户很欣赏本所积极和顽强的辩护声誉. The hallmark of the firm is its proven 经验 in handling clients’ legal matters in a successful and cost-effective manner.


并购法律已成为本所业务的主要组成部分, 由迈克·皮亚诺夫斯基领导, 谁处理过五百多笔交易. 桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所BET9九卅娱乐会员登录曾代表资产企业的买家和卖家, 股票, 混合交易, and we have earned a reputation as the law firm of choice in Michiana when complex business transactions call for innovative solutions. Our clients also benefit from the ability of each practice group to draw upon the skills and talents of attorneys in the other groups for assistance with a particular problem or opportunity. BET9九州登陆官方相信,整合的团队方法不仅能提供合理的法律建议, 而且还有助于为客户的业务实现最佳的实际效果. BET9九州登陆官方BET9九卅娱乐会员登录BET9九州登陆官方的可访问性和响应性感到自豪. BET9九州登陆官方的知识, 经验, and commitment to success provide our clients with their best opportunity to achieve the ultimate objective in merger and acquisition matters.


桑德斯•皮亚诺夫斯基, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所享有声誉,是该地区最重要的人身伤害诉讼公司之一. BET9九州登陆官方的辩护BET9九卅娱乐会员登录成功地代表受害方提出了各种索赔, 从最简单的车辆碰撞到最复杂的产品责任和医疗事故案件. BET9九州登陆官方可以接触到全套的专家和顾问, 桑德斯·皮亚诺斯基BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所的诉讼BET9九卅娱乐会员登录, BET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所 stand ready and able to take on the most formidable cases and to secure full and fair compensation to deserving clients.


罗伯特·C. 丹尼尔斯, 公司的创始成员之一, 将他的专业实践奉献给了不动产法, 他被当地银行公认为该领域的顶级专家, 房地产经纪人和产权代理. 卓越的遗产一直由房地产团队的其他成员延续, 谁, 与其他专业人士密切合作, 代表客户处理从简单的租赁到复杂和创新的房地产转让等事宜. 在Sanders•PianowskiBET9九卅娱乐会员登录事务所,重点是为法律问题寻找创造性的解决方案. Our reputation lies in our ability to bring parties together to accomplish goals without unnecessary legal intervention. Our clients also benefit from the ability of each practice group to draw upon the skills and talents of attorneys in the other groups for assistance with a particular problem or opportunity. BET9九州登陆官方相信,整合的团队方法不仅能提供合理的法律建议, 同时也有助于实现客户业务和房地产需求的最佳实际结果. BET9九州登陆官方BET9九州登陆官方的可访问性和响应性感到自豪. BET9九州登陆官方的知识, 经验, and commitment to success provide our clients with their best opportunity to achieve their business and personal objectives in the arena of real estate law.